Across fiction and reality, Aisha’s Diary narrates the story of one of the 500 people who lost their lives with the shipwrecked of Lampedusa the night of the 3rd of October 2013.

Aisha being a fiction character represents the reality of many women who didn’t survive the catastrophe. The voice of Aisha, calm and resigned is the one of her mind, through Aisha’s interior monologue, her stream of consciousness, my aim is to express and narrate to the public hopes and dreams of people that almost everyday try to find escape on the shore of the Italian island but very often find death and oblivion.

Aisha’s Diary, is an experimental audio drama. The music is not intended just as soundtrack but it is a main aspect of the narrative, it marks the time, Aisha’s emotional state and the changes in the landscape; the four different tracks are, indeed intended as sound landscapes. The environmental sounds are original sounds related to the actual incident extrapolated from video documentation already existing on the web.


Nadia Perrotta


Aisha’s Diary

audio drama


duration: 17.12 min

Narrative by Nadia Perrotta

Music and Sounds by Gianni Iannitto

Aisha’s Voice by Maegan Newbury


to listen to the stream: